Size & Fit guide

The information in our size and fit guide is based on customer feedback, observations and brands own size charts.

General Fit based on customer feedback and observations

All our brands are suitable for both disposable or cloth nappies, but where a Neat fit is indicated there is less room for cloth nappies, so they may feel a little snug under the clothes.

  • KATTAN – Comfortable fit, with room to grow.
  • KITE – Generous fit with room to grow, great for larger babies.
  • LITTLE GREEN RADICALS – Neat fit, great for lean babies.
  • TOBY TIGER – Comfortable fit, with room to grow.
  • MORI – Comfortable fit, with room to grow.
  • MUDDY PUDDLES – Generous fit with room to grow, great for larger babies.
  • THE BONNIE MOB – Comfortable fit with room to grow, but shorter in the length than other brands.

Size guide from brands size charts

Where brands have dual sizing, such as 6-12m, instead of 6-9m and 9-12m, we have found that the size is closer to the bigger size. These items will be listed under the bigger size. You may find using our size and fit guide together more helpful than using the brands size chart on its own.

Body measurementsSize in months
KATTANNewborn0-3 3-66-9 9-12 12-1818-24
Up to Height cm56626874808692
KITENewborn0-3 3-6 6-9 9-12 12-18 18-24
Up to Height cm50626874808692
Weight kg3.46.58
Chest cm364345.54749.55152.5
Waist cm36434546.5495050.5
Little Green RadicalsNewborn0-3 3-6 6-9 9-12 12-1818-24
Up to Height cm56636874808692
Chest cm414445.547505254
Waist cm41434445474951
TOBY TIGERNewborn0-3 3-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Up to Height cm505668808692
Weight kg66-88-14
Chest cm42.545.5495152
Waist cm434549
Inside leg212429
MORINewborn0-3 3-66-9 9-12 12-18 18-24
Up to Height cm56626874808692
Weight kg4.
MUDDY PUDDLESNewborn 0-6 6-1212-18 18-24
Height cm68748692
Weight kg6.581112.5
THE BONNIE MOBNewborn0-33-66-9 9-12 12-18 18-24
Up to Height cm52627074788490
Weight kg3-5.568911
Chest cm35-39434647495054
(Talula) LITTLENewborn0-33-66-12 12-1818-24
Up to Height cm6268808692
Weight kg68101214
Chest cm42.545.5495152.5
Waist cm4346495050.5
Inside leg21243134.538
PIGEON0-33-66-12 12-18
Up to Height cm62687785
SENSE ORGANICS0-33-66-9 9-12 12-1818-24
Up to Height cm566874808692
Chest cm404547495153
Waist cm414547495153
Up to Height cm6268808692
Weight kg3.2-66-88-1010-1212-14
Chest cm42.545.5495152.5
Waist cm4345495050.5